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Let me tell you something...

When my first day step into LASALLE, I understand that i have to work very hard and stay stronger for everything that i will face  in future. I promise myself that I'm not gonna waste my money for study. People don't know and they don't understand.


To afford my expensive school fees by myself
To support my daily, monthly, yearly_living cost by myself
To pay everything include rental fee, SP bill, and etc by myself
To buy every single things that i need by myself
To settle all my finance problem by myself
Without taking any single cent from my Family

I have to be stronger!

After my SPM(which is equivalent to O level), i came to Singapore here with my buddy_Isaac, to find a well pay jobs. WHY? Because we have a big dream but don't have finance support, simply just can't afford to chase our own dream. That's why we work. After been working about one and a half years, i guess it is time for me to study. I was very touched at that time. Cause I know that i get closer to my dream.


I push myself for everything
I want my 2D score A
I want my 3D score A
I want my drawing score A
I want my Grey Matter score A
I want my workshop score A
I want my CCS score A
I want A's!!!

I understand that grades mean nothing. But it shown my effort. It gives me satisfaction. It let me know that there are people who do likes my works. It allowed me to call back to my mom and sisters and tell them that i do well in school and need no worry on me. I'm fine. But it's hard. Because there are so much things that i have to concern beside studying, but they don't know, and you don't know.

I can save my money, don't buy clothes, don't eat expensive food, don't take cab and etc. All i can save and all i can use only for the material that i need for my every single subject in Foundation year.

I dressed up not because i like to catch people attention or showing off that i'm rich. NO!!! I'm not rich at all!!! This is just a sense of inferiority, i have to protect my sense of self respect, i don't wish to show that I am weak so people will sympathy to me. No, I don't want!

Time flies fast,
I got very few friends in LASALLE_ Cynthia, Xiuting, Suhanti, Bini, and no more.
Maybe people don't know that i am shy.
I don't look at people when i walk,
I seldom put a friendly look on my face, cause i think i don't have to.
I seldom take action first to making friend with people.

Nows a day,
people keeps talking about me,
"smart ass"
"he is arrongant"
"dia tu sombong ya"
"he showing off his result"
"he got attitude problem"
bla bla bla...

I understand that the way how I carry myself it's not how other people wish to accept.
But it is me, it is Edison Wong Chei Poh!

If you know me and even know me well, then you will know my personality.
It is totally misconception! I don't mind if you judge me when you are really know me or know me well, but i really care when you judging me but in fact, you not even know me yet!
And it is really depressing and unhappy when people talks about you just like that.

I admit that i do feel proud sometimes, but am i wrong if i feeling proud? Is it a matter to you? Do you know me? Or that just kind like a topic of gossiping? What is the matter if i asking you how you doing in your assessment? Am i showing off that i am good? Ain"t we in the art school? Can't be a little bit of open mind? 

Here i am to tell you that I am proud of myself!
Listen, It's myself!

For those who really feel or think that I'm not a nice person.
Thanks for dislike me.

But let me tell you something.
I'm fine.