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Shoe Porn

Latest FAVES...just in...how beautiful are these lacey confections from the maestro Phillip Treacy for Valentino? They remind me of spun sugar - delicious.

Also adore these amazing McQueen platforms with the Caliper heels....they remind me of the movie 'Metropolis'.

And how I love these drapey Fendi numbers - which I have decided that if I were rich & famous, I would pair with that fantastic Donna Karan number Jennifer Aniston wore a few weeks ago:

I was never interested in shoes. Infact, I wore black 6-hole Doc Martens solidly from 1991 to 1994. Went through 3 pairs until they had holes in the soles. Apart from 3 nights (where I went to 2 balls and one wedding). In those days it was all about grunge so the docs went with everything from my floral sun-frocks and velour skating skirts to short tight Alaïa style party dresses or jeans. Mum was the shoe enthusiastic. "One day you'll love shoes as much as me" she said wistfully. And she was right.

If you're having a fat day - you know you'll aways fit your favourite shoes. As far as I'm concerned, th etaller the better. Tall slamming heels make your legs longer, calves appear musclier, posture straighter - and you just look more lady-like! The only flats I can stand are Havianas, or trainers at the gym. Having said that, I did just purchase these sandals as I was bored of wearing one of my 12 pairs of Havianas almost every day throughout Summer.

I still can't BELIEVE Posh wore ballet flats, having once said: "I beyond hate ballerina flats. I can't walk in them. Unless they're on a ballet dancer doing ballet, I just don't get it. I love heels." And I applauded her for that! I far prefer her in Louboutins. Flat round toe-shoes (especially Mary Janes - ug) hey are in the realm of Crocs as far as I'm concerned and only look good on little girls (see Suri Cruise). they also make you 'waddle'. Not good.

These are my latest faves, amazing feathered Mohican-style numbers from Givenchy - I love the ones with the feather on the heel best!

Love that mohican/pony tail look shoe - check out Gaga's latest boots:

I also finally found a pair of these faux Louboutins (I notice Mi Piaci are doing a version this Winter - mine were a bargain I bought from Scooter in Sydney last Summer):
Also - these are my latest new babies - bargain peep-toe buckled boots from Hannah's and heavily reduced zebra and pink snakeskin heeled pair from Karen Millen that I just could NOT leave on the shelf!!!