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DIYing to travel

Recently I have poured over these images on Anywho of their trip to Morocco, possibly the most colourful and intense place in the world. Looking at their images I realised that for me, travel is such a massive inspiration for DIY. The things you see inspire you, and in lots of places around the world, particularly asia and africa, the cheap bits and pieces you collect along the way form the basis for some DIY works of art. I am addicted to the ribbons, tassells, jewellery offcuts and fabrics that the Anywho girls got to choose from in the bazaars for Marrakech. Hong Kong is a treasure trove of amazing DIY goodies - all at dirt cheap prices. I have been twittering like mad about the places I have been to and the amazing DIY bit and pieces I have picked up but will do a post soon.
Images: Anywho