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Do. It. Yourself. in Hong Kong

Big news! As of December, work and study takes the bf and I to Hong Kong. At this point it will be for atleast a year and I am extremely excited. I'll be swapping cosy London pub lunches for dim sum binges, charity shopping for dress making and fabric purchasing and saturday mornings spent at the Hackney Markets for long hot days spent on my friend's boat discovering the islands around HK. It will be very sad to leave London (although I am sure we'll be back) but I am looking forward to getting to know a new and very different city, and travelling through Asia regularly as well as the west coast of the US.

However, never fear - DIY will continue unabated and I can't wait to immerse myself in the DIY inspiration and tools HK has to offer, there are whole streets of buttons and sewing shops so I am sure the quality of my DIYs will benefit. Although officially the move is for work and study purposes, I will be putting time into a number of fashion and DIY related projects so stay tuned.

Prior to settling in HK we'll be doing an epic trip around India and Sri Lanka, and I have a very special guest DIYer and blogger lined up for you while I am away!
Images of Hong Kong including the bird and gold fish markets thanks to the Cherry Blossom Girl