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DIY Maxi to Mid Length Skirt

There's lots of talk at the moment about the new mid length of skirt. I really like this one below snapped by Jen of The Style Crusader.
I have to say though, don't you love the fashion industry? 'THROW OUT ALL YOUR OLD SKIRTS AND GO BUY THIS ONE, (and while your at it why dont you just set fire to a pile of ten pound notes in your back garden?). But, this time, I'm not going to be running out to Zara and blowing my money on a new trend. Why buy when you can DIY?  The gorgeous Sabrina of AfterDRK shows us here that you can easily transition your maxi skirt into a mid length skirt. All you have to do is cut off a foot at the bottom, and hem the new edge (making sure to roll over and iron down so the raw edge is covered). You can do it by hand no trouble. Before you relegate your maxi skirts/dresses to the back of your wardrobe, see whether you can DIY them a new lease on life. For nothing! Update: Sabrina has done another post on this outfit and it seems she didn't cut the skirt off, just used an elastic band and knotted it to look shorter. Genius!