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Mag Love

As mused upon here, I love fashion magazines. I am, quite frankly, an addict. I adore the photography, the glamour, the bright acid colours winking at me from those glossy thick pages. The other day I was meandering down Ponsonby Rd after an appointment and was lured by the siren call of one of my favourite stores, Mag Nation. I stood transfixed by the glossies for at least 10 minutes until I finally made the reckless decision to forgo waiting for the cheaper sea freight issue and buy the brand spankers LOVE magazine. I didn't go for the Kate & Lea T cover which I blogged about here previously - I really loved the Kate cover above shot by Mert and Marcus, so I snaffled it up. Whilst there I had to restrain myself from buying one of more of the following latest issues whose covers seduced me.