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notaire is expanding

for those of you who already own a notaire scarf this woodblock beehive stamp may look familiar. all of the packages I send out are wrapped in newsprint and stamped with this beautiful print. 
In case I have forgotten to tell you the history behind the name Notaire I will fill you in now. 
I used to dream of having a shop...a beautiful little space that was all mine to do with what I wanted and to fill with lovely bits and pieces picked up around the world. I always fancied the name The Notary for this mythical store...complete with heavy butcher paper wrapping and stamped with an expired notary stamp. 
when I started the scarf line, I wanted a more romantic language in which to invoke the same name. So I chose french, a language that I happen to love...and viola! Notaire was born! 
I searched for expired notary stamps with which to stamp my packaging but was stopped in my tracks one day when I came across this ancient beehive wood carved stamp. I figured it was the perfect stamp for this line as it evokes the feeling of nostalgia and organic beauty. 
I love that the stamp is a bit broken and therefor imperfect. The notion of Wabi Sabi; The aesthetic which is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent and incomplete"-wikipedia, is always one that has resonated with me. So it was only natural that this venture embody such an aesthetic. 
I am going to be making a limited number of Notaire pillows from natural fabrics including cotton and linen. I will post more pics as I create these unique beauties. But please dont hesitate to inquire if you see something you cant live without. 
