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Car Boot and Vintage Bike Sale

Culling of my wardrobe has extended to culling of EVERYTHING else in my life. Moving to HK has allowed me to assess better what things I actually 'need' in my life, and as such I spent a few good hours on the weekend cleaning everything out and making piles of things to go to charity shops or be sold. My lovely friend has agreed to come to the Battersea Car Boot Sale this coming Sunday, where she will be selling her amazing chocolate cake and I will be selling my LIFE, including a giant suitcase full of books and another of clothes, shoes, bags etc. It is going to be completely hectic and possibly a bit feral but it is definitely something I need to experience before I leave London. Come on down for a rummage, or if you are keen to sell some stuff too, contact me - we operate a strictly 'the more the merrier' policy.

Also for sale, but not at the boot sale, my lovely red bike that I renovated at the beginning of summer. If you are interested, send me an email. Its pretty rickety so I'll be selling it for cheeeeap.