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Nude, dude

I'M LOVING nude at the moment. Honey beige swathes of fabric like that favourite Donna Karan dress I had in a previous post, that Jennifer Aniston wore.

I have also been banging on about these delicious Fendi heels, and have since seen an Olsen AND Jada Pinkett Mrs Will Smith wearing them. Jada wore the wood-soled version on Oprah ( -she was very impressed). Personally I prefer the lucite heel - natch! These babies must be the stylist's shoe du jour.

Also creamy nude lips with a devastatingly smokey eye - now I can rock a smoky eye but unfortunately, the nude lip does me no favours. But on some, it looks STUNNING! Miss Angelina is Queen of this look.
JLo is another who has totally perfected this look. A makeup artist in Barney's told me she is one of the few celebs he has seen sans makeup who is STILL stunning! (He wasn't a fan of Beyonce - eek!).

Also adoring Eve's look here pairing a stunning, shiney nude lip with MAC electric blue eyes.

But my latest FAVE is nude nails - and by nude I mean tan. Beige. Taupe. Latte. Putty. Creamy neutrals. I was hunting for a shade earlier this year but as things tend to crawl towards NZ at the rate of molten lava, hopefully the trend will hit our shores SOON! Check out some great shades recommended HERE at Beauty is a Religion Blog.