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15 Facts about Elizabeth Taylor

I love Elizabeth Taylor. As a child I was bewitched by her performance in National Velvet. My Mum told me she was "the most beautiful woman in the world". Indeed, one thing that keeps being mentioned during all the press following her death is that she had a beauty that stopped people men and women, in their tracks, rendered breathless.

The other thing people say is that she had a fantastic, bawdy sense of humour. Not only was she stunning and funny, but she was strong and a tireless advocate for her friends and AIDs research. In a recent interview, she said that she wanted to be remembered for her strength. I'm sure this will be the case.

Here are 15 facts you may or may not know about the fabulous Elizabeth Taylor.

1. She was a talented hair stylist who cut friend’s hair, and her own when her stylist was unavailable

2. She converted to Judaism in 1959, before marrying Eddie Fisher

3. She hated being called Liz, because it sounded like a hiss

4. She was married 8 times, to Richard Burton twice

5. Her first husband was Conrad ‘Nicky’ Hilton Jr, Grand Uncle of Paris (whose father was immortalised on Mad Men Seasons 3 and 4.) They divorced after 9 months.

6. She was one of the first celebrities to advocate AIDs research when it was still a much feared disease, after her friend Rock Hudson died in 1985 (she founded the Elizabeth Taylor HIV/AIDS Foundation in 1991). She has raised over $100 million for AIDs research.

7. She really did have violet eyes, and a genetic mutation meant she had a double set of eyelashes

8. In the 1980s Schering-Plough developed violet contact lenses inspired by her

9. She loved Twitter and started an account in 2010, as @DameElizabeth. She Tweeted on 23th July, 2011: "Hold your horses world. I've been hearing all kinds of rumours about someone being cast to play me in a film about Richard and myself", followed by "No one is going to play Elizabeth Taylor, but Elizabeth Taylor herself."

10. She wore perfume very day

11. She was great friends with Michael Jackson and Godmother to his children Paris and Prince Michael

12. She and Michael bonded over their lack of a childhood, and would often don disguises and go to the movies together

13. She was the voice of cartoon Maggie Simpson’s first world

14. Her perfumes “Passion", "White Diamonds", and "Black Pearls" earn an estimated US$200 million in annual sales. Her next perfume, “Violet Eyes” had its name chosen by her Twitter followers

15. She owned some of the moors expensive jewellery in the world , including the 33 carat Krupp diamond and the 69 carat pendant both given to her by Richard Burton

Elizabeth inspired countless women, stylists, designers and artists with her look and her style. Here are but a few.

Wheels & Dollbaby, inspired by Elizabeth's hour-glass, traffic stopping curves!

Alexander McQueen's MAC range, inspired by Elizabeth in Cleopatra

I love this shoot by Ellen Von Unwerth, inspired by Elizabeth Taylor and Cleopatra

Rest in Peace Elizabeth

1932 - 2011