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a day in

 If you, like me, are snuggled up inside today with blustering weather keeping you from going anywhere very fast, then I would love to offer you a few inspirational pics from my rainy day afternoons. 
The first shots are from a long afternoon spent perfecting the art of making french macarroons. with the help from my darling neighbor, and her equally endearing book 'I Heart Macarroons' I had a lot of success. 
this activity takes a better part of the day, and will leave your house smelling like spun sugar, and your spouse wondering why you have hid this secret talent from him for so long.

this morning I awoke late to find that my guest was still enjoying her cozy bed.
I crept into the kitchen and assembled a danish style spread of biscuits, cheese, nutella, fresh eggs stolen from my chickens this morning, hot tea, and a few different preserves i made when the blackberries were still hanging on the bush.
I woke my sweet friend to surprise her with a feast of winter delights sure to keep us warm through the better part of the day.

how are you spending your rainy/snowy afternoon?