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Reader DIYs!

The reader DIYs are flowing in thick and fast, I am so happy to see such amazing projects. The lovely Sophie of Owl vs Dove has done this amazing cut shoulder shirt DIY. I adore her blog and its gorgeous simple aesthetic, if you haven't checked it out you need to. Was so happy to see I had inspired her! To make her shirt she has used the simple method of cutting along the shoulder seams and then sewing the edges - letting the shoulders drop down in a really cute way! Love how she describes herself having a 'crafternoon' when she did it. I am allll about the crafternoon.
The gorgeous Carly of Chic Steals just keeps whipping up amazing DIY creations, this time perfecting the leather collared shirt DIY I did while ago here. Damn she's good. And how cute is the shirt worn with her mulberry inspired DIY skirt she guest posted here about?

Ps. trying to decide on a font for the blog, they all seem to hurt my eyes!