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DIY Weekly - Shredded Knit Cape

Earlier this week I nabbed a knitted cardigan off the 50p rack in my local thrift shop, and decided it was perfect for the shredded knit DIY I have been wanting to do for a while (see my inspiration posts here and here). The cardigan was actually pretty cute with little brown wooden buttons, and as soon as I saw it I knew what it was going to be.


DIY Steps (refer below for pics of the process - result!):
For the shredding - 
1. Cut a slit along the bottom of the seam of the knit - this is where the shredding will start. 
2. Start unravelling upwards against the grain of the knit.
3. Working up the cardigan, separate the yarn and unravel, whilst  making sure to leave a cobwebbed affect of knitting attached. Don't worry if you make some holes, the looks not supposed to be perfect.
4. Keep unravelling - you can do as much of the cardigan as you like, I did a section at the front and a section down the back. It takes a while so make sure you are watching a good movie (or your 6th episode of friends in my case... why is there never anything else on??).
For the cape:
To make the cape, fold the arms inside the cardigan and cut off, sewing shut. I was lucky with this cardigan because it was a couple of sizes too big for me, with the shoulder seams sitting way off my shoulders, so it already had that rounded shoulder look of a cape. Look for an oversized knit.