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Please Respect!!!

I just watched this movie today, and i totally touched by the emotion and the meaning behind this movie.
That's right, there are people will think that being a gay is a sin. It's not allowed!

But, everyone have their own right to love who they want to love and being who they want to be.

I guess the hard time will be is the time when you chose to coming out.
People will look at you disdainfully, and they will not respect to you, some.

I understand that for a parents, they will hardly to accept this,
which is having a gay son or a lesbian daughter.
They will not understand.
The feeling, the emotion, the pressure, the environment, the social... it's too much for them.
But what about the person who itself is a gay or lesbian.
They have to act like a fake to show the public that they are normal just like others.

Everything is just like a same.
It is balance and fair.

You guys should watch this movie.
The actress have a really good acting.
And this movie is based on a true story.

Respect to Homosexual.
and do not judge.