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DIY New York Fashion Week Roundup

Instead of doing single posts I have decided to do one big wrap up from NY Fashion week - bearing in mind that we are going to be moving on swiftly to LFW (yay!)

DIY Silk Shoulders: Add some matching silk squares onto the shoulder of a basic knit or cardigan (Rebecca Taylor via Knight Cat)
DIY Bell Details: Sew some small indian bells onto a dress of skirt for a bohemian feel. (Vivienne Tam via Knight Cat)
DIY Red Velvet (not the hummingbird cupcake kind): This is not strictly a DIY buttt... trawl your local charity shop for red velvet. (via Go Backstage)
DIY Chain Fringed Sleeves: Buy a roll of chain from a craft or hardware store, cut similar lengthed strips and sew to the arms of a dress of long sleeved top to create fringed wings like the ones at Balmain (via Go Backstage)

DIY Wooly sleeves: Our penchant for capes this season (such as the one below from Asos) will mean that when the winter wind comes along (I think I felt it yesterday. sad face) it will probably find its way into our coats through the arm holes! arrgh! One way to combat this is to get yourself some armwarmers. Seen on the catwalk at Richard Chai (images via Go Backstage), these can be layered over short leather gloves for draft free layering. You can DIY your own by unpicking the end of a pair of (unworn) knee high socks and scrunching them down your arms.

DIY Chain Embellished jacket: Glue some chain onto a jacket or dress to emphasise the panelling. (Balmain via Go Backstage)
DIY Rope Belt: Tie a double sailors knot in the middle of pieces of thick rope and secure at the back. (Go Backstage)
DIY Broach Embellished Bag: Attach lots of broaches or detailed buttons to a bag (both can be found at charity shops for next to nothing). (via Go Backstage)
DIY Embellished Dress: Take a whole heap or buttons, flowers, ribbon, bells and basically anything you can find in browns, blacks, golds and bronze - and attach to a dress of top in this way.  (via Go Backstage)